A friend and I watched 1408 the other night and compared to the previous John Cusack film I watched, this one was a massive improvement!!

This film centers around Cusacks trip to the Dolphin Hotel, where he plans to stay in the notorious room, 1408, where all of its previous guests have committed suicide. Cusack is a novelist, writing books on the 10 most haunted... and is a massive cynic, so much so that he laughs in the face of Samuel L. Jackson when he tries to warn him off staying in the room, believing it to be only a story made up to attract guests.
once in the room, a whole manner of creepy and bizarre things start to happen, and from this moment on, Cusack is essentially the only actor who appears in the film and he does an amzing job of carrying the film. He plays the smug/cynical/know-it-all perfectly, but as I feel this is most likely quite similar to his real personality, it is his ability to convey fear and terror and show how it mainfested in such a realistic and (in my case) a heart-wrenching way which really deserves praise.
This film keeps you guessing until the end and it is neither predictable nor a let-down. It does not have the usual happy ending (not that this one is horrifically sad) which I normally demand from films I enjoy this much, but the end it has is perfect and the only one which the film COULD have, no others would have fit.
The film does try to send you off in several conclusions, you wonder whether he is sleeping, unconsious or merely mad, but none of these are case!!

John Cusack is really outstanding in this film, possibly his best acting from what I have seen. This is also a slightly different film from the roles which he normally takes and unlike in 2012, the gamble paid off.
I give this film a 5 out of 5, as I really don't have a bad word to say about it and I massively impressed, as it is one of a very few number of films which has succeeded in making me jump.
If you have not seen this film, I really recommend you watch it!!
I will just give a quick mention to another film I watched this week, The Mighty Ducks are the Champions. I adore this film! It is cheesey, tacky, kinda crap, predictable but perfect :D

Emillio Estevez (an 80's favourite of mine) is a ruthless lawyer who is made to coach an Ice-hockey team as part of his community service. He used to play when he was younger, but one mistake ended his promising career. You can guess the entire plot now, he hates it at first, but then loves it, they are crap at first but then the underdogs win!! But it is just the perfect feel-good film. However, Joshua jackson is in it when he was very young and it is a bit scary, as he has the exact same face then as he does now!!!
I cant rate this film, as it is both awful and brilliant!! It is a classic and a guilty pleasure of mine!!!
Now I am going to watch Sherlock Holmes for tomorrows entry!! Night night mumma!! xx