This blog will be dedicated solely to reviews of films which I watch, and since I tend to watch a film each night, I'm hoping I will not run out things to say!!
I love films, I really do! And I'm quite easy-going when it comes to watching films, I'm able to enjoy most genres, though I do particuraly favour cheesey eighties teen movies!! In fact, I have made my mission to try to watch all eighties movies, and despite having got off to a brilliant start, I still have a loooong way to go! So if anybody reading this has any suggestions (and not just for eighties films) I'd be most happy to hear.
This past week I've watched four films;
- The Sure Thing
- Better off Dead
- One Crazy Summer
- The Class
They all have John Cusack in them!!

He is one of my absolute favourite actors (despite my mum hating him) and I am currently going through a 'John Cusack phase'. I find that a great way to discover new films, by 'film-stalking' an actor I rather love!!

'The Sure Thing' was most enjoyable, it was a typical and predicatable story of a boy travelling to California to sleep with a girl. He travels to California with a nerdy girl who is travelling to California to see her boyfriend, but along the way they have to hitch hike, pretend to be pregnant, get attacked by 'lonely' truck drivers, all whilst, of course, hating each other. Whilst the ending was terribly predictable (I won't ruin it for those who have yet to see it) it was still sweet and a very fitting ending. I really enjoyed this film, for me it was just the perfect eighties teen comedy and John Cusack really shone in his first film lead.Watch out for the amazing cameo by Tim Robbins.

Better off Dead was also a film I thought was terrific, despite once more being an old and predictable story (though maybe it wasn't in the early eighties!) This film see's John Cusack being dumped by the girlfriend he has been obbsessed with, for the smug and rather ugly (in my opinion) ski captain. John Cusack then spends rather a lot of time failing at committing suicide (despite sounding morbid, it is all very humourous) until he meets Monique, a French exchange student, who seemingly can not speak a word of English, staying with the family across the street. The mother of this family (nicknamed the 'Dorks') seems sure Monique will end up with her loser of a son, with extremely questionable fashion sense (be sure to check out his trousers). This film was really amusing, causing me to laugh out loud several times and again had a sweet ending (I really really love happy endings) which had the ugly ski captain getting what he deserves.

I didn't really enjoy the third film 'One Crazy Summer', for a start it has Demi Moore in it and I really am not a fan of hers! A large portion of the film is also in animation which I didn't like. This film is about an aspiring cartoonist who goes to Nantucket for the summer with a friend to find inspiration to draw a cartoon which will gain him a sponsorship to art college. Still reading?? Its gets worse. On the way the save Demi Moore from a motorbike gang (by throwing the money she had purposely hidden from them, at them. If I was Demi Moore, I would be most enraged by this, but she just says thank you!!!!) they meet two twins, who clearly have some mental health issues and are supposed to be amusing, but really just mmade me cringe everytime they opened their mouths!!! A girl with an ill dog who doesn't talk, but seeks revenge on everyone who is mean about the dog!!! And a strange family who want to take Demi Moore's family house, but she doesn't want that to happen, not because its her house and she wants to live, noooo, but because she has lodgers and she doesn't want them to be homeless because she is soooo thoughtful like that. So there is of course the typical plot where it seems all hope is gone but suddenly (and most unbelievably in this film) they come up triumphant! It really was a stupid film!!!!

The fourth film, 'Class' which I watched last night, was brilliant. It was John Cusack's and Andrew McCarthy's first film, and they were excellent in it. It also stars Rob Lowe (another favourite o fmine, as is McCarthy.) McCarthy plays a boy who has won a scholarship to a very posh college, where he is room mates with Rob Lowe. Their friendship gets off to an interstingly mean start, each pulling horrific tricks on the other, but they soon become best friends. However, McCarthy has no luck with women (there is always one in these films) who gets sent to Chicago by Rob Lowe to find a female to sleep with. So he does, though unfortunately it turns out to be Rob Lowe's mum. This film is extremely good, like an updated version of 'The Graduate' but watchable, which 'The Graduate' wasn't. You can also see why he fancied the mum in this film, which again, in 'The Graduate' you couldn't.
Anyway, I'm off to bed now, and continuing the John Cusack theme, I'm going to watch 2012 :D
Night Night xxxx
I don't hate him, I thought he was brilliant in 1408, but he just has such a slappable face and I do find him just a bit more than slightly irritating!
ReplyDeleteMo x
John cusack has an adorable face! To each his own. I happen to find him adorable though.